September 11th.
A very dear person to me said this morning "September 11th is the JFK of our generation, I don't think anyone will ever forget what they were doing when they first heard what was happening". I was in the darkroom at school and our teacher was about to start class and we had the doors open waiting for the stragglers to come in so we could shut the door. So this guy walks in and said that there were some plane crashes into New York city and that it went into a building. My teacher said we should all go out into the hall so see if anyone knew what was going on. The dean was pushing a TV into the hallway and people were already gathering around. I called Emily on my cellphone to see if she was ok. She was my best friend of 16 years at the time. While she was safe she was changed on that day and unfortunately we lost touch soon after that day. While I was fortunate that all my loved ones were safe I still feel such empathy for the people who did lose their loved ones. My heart goes out to them all.
While I will not get into my political beliefs, you don't have to believe in war to support our troops who are trying to protect our freedom. To them I say thank you and I love each and everyone of you. While my Goobie (my cousin Tyler) was over there I held my breathe each time I heard a news story about another solider getting hurt or killed. Tyler is home safe, but I wish for a safe and speedy return to all out troops.
To all the police, firefighters and soldiers, Thank You and I love you for everything you did on that day 5 years ago.
Love, Hillary

While I will not get into my political beliefs, you don't have to believe in war to support our troops who are trying to protect our freedom. To them I say thank you and I love each and everyone of you. While my Goobie (my cousin Tyler) was over there I held my breathe each time I heard a news story about another solider getting hurt or killed. Tyler is home safe, but I wish for a safe and speedy return to all out troops.
To all the police, firefighters and soldiers, Thank You and I love you for everything you did on that day 5 years ago.
Love, Hillary